Make Mother's Day Memorable This Year Forever Styled
Make Mother's Day Memorable This Year Forever Styled from


Mother’s Day is celebrated worldwide to honor mothers and mother figures for their contributions to the family and society. However, there are concerns about the religious implications of celebrating Mother’s Day in some Muslim communities. In this article, we will explore the question of whether Mother’s Day is haram in 2023.

What is Haram?

Haram is an Arabic word that means forbidden or prohibited by Islamic law. In Islam, there are certain actions and behaviors that are considered haram, such as consuming alcohol, gambling, and engaging in premarital sex.

What is the Controversy?

The controversy surrounding Mother’s Day in some Muslim communities is based on the belief that it is a Western holiday and has no roots in Islamic tradition. Some people argue that celebrating Mother’s Day could lead to adopting non-Muslim practices and beliefs.

What is the Islamic View on Honoring Mothers?

In Islam, honoring and respecting parents, especially mothers, is highly emphasized. The Quran states, “And We have enjoined upon man [care] for his parents. His mother carried him, [increasing her] in weakness upon weakness, and his weaning is in two years. Be grateful to Me and to your parents; to Me is the [final] destination” (31:14).

What is the Ruling on Celebrating Mother’s Day?

There is no clear consensus among Islamic scholars on the permissibility of celebrating Mother’s Day. Some scholars argue that as long as the holiday does not involve any haram activities, such as drinking alcohol or engaging in inappropriate behavior, it is permissible to celebrate. Other scholars believe that celebrating Mother’s Day is not permissible because it is a Western holiday and has no roots in Islamic tradition.

What is the Conclusion?

In conclusion, whether Mother’s Day is haram in 2023 depends on individual interpretations and beliefs. Muslims who choose to celebrate Mother’s Day should do so in a way that aligns with Islamic principles and values. It is essential to remember that Islam emphasizes the importance of honoring and respecting parents, especially mothers, every day, not just on a designated holiday.

Tips for Celebrating Mother’s Day in an Islamic Manner

If you decide to celebrate Mother’s Day, here are some tips on how to do so in an Islamic manner: – Avoid any haram activities, such as drinking alcohol or engaging in inappropriate behavior. – Express your love and gratitude towards your mother through acts of kindness and service. – Give her a gift that aligns with Islamic values, such as a Quran or Islamic literature. – Spend quality time with your mother and make her feel appreciated. – Donate to a charity or organization that supports mothers and families in need.

Final Thoughts

Mother’s Day is a special occasion to honor and appreciate our mothers and mother figures. Whether it is haram or not depends on individual interpretations and beliefs. As Muslims, it is essential to celebrate in a manner that aligns with Islamic principles and values and to remember that honoring and respecting our parents, especially mothers, should be a daily practice.

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