Why I Hate Mother's Day (But Choose To Face It and Embrace It Anyway
Why I Hate Mother's Day (But Choose To Face It and Embrace It Anyway from pennystewardmama.com

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    Mother’s Day is a special day to celebrate and appreciate mothers all over the world. However, not everyone looks forward to this day. It can be a difficult time for those who have lost their mothers or have strained relationships with them. In this article, we will explore why some people hate Mother’s Day in 2023 and how to cope with it.

    Reasons Why Some People Hate Mother’s Day 2023

    1. Loss of a mother: For those who have lost their mothers, Mother’s Day can be a painful reminder of their loss. It can trigger feelings of sadness and grief, making it difficult to enjoy the day. 2. Strained relationships with mother: Some people have difficult relationships with their mothers. Mother’s Day can be a source of anxiety and stress for them, as they may feel obligated to celebrate a relationship they do not enjoy. 3. Commercialization of Mother’s Day: Mother’s Day has become increasingly commercialized over the years. Some people feel that the focus on buying gifts and cards takes away from the true meaning of the day. 4. Pressure to conform: There can be pressure from society to celebrate Mother’s Day, even if one does not want to. This pressure can be overwhelming for some people, leading to feelings of anger and resentment.

    How to Cope with Mother’s Day 2023

    1. Honor your mother in your own way: If you have lost your mother or have a strained relationship with her, find a way to honor her that feels authentic to you. This could be through writing a letter, lighting a candle, or doing something that reminds you of her. 2. Take a break from social media: Social media can be a constant reminder of Mother’s Day celebrations. Take a break from social media if it is triggering for you. 3. Connect with others who feel the same way: You are not alone in your feelings about Mother’s Day. Connect with others who feel the same way and offer support to each other. 4. Practice self-care: Take care of yourself on Mother’s Day. Do something that brings you joy, whether it’s watching a movie, going for a walk, or spending time with friends.

    Question & Answer

    Q: How can I celebrate Mother’s Day if I have lost my mother?

    • A: Find a way to honor your mother that feels authentic to you. This could be through writing a letter, lighting a candle, or doing something that reminds you of her.

    Q: What if I have a strained relationship with my mother?

    • A: Find a way to honor your mother in a way that feels authentic to you. You can also focus on self-care and spend time with people who bring you joy.

    Q: How can I cope with the pressure to conform?

    • A: Remember that you have the right to celebrate or not celebrate Mother’s Day in a way that feels authentic to you. Connect with others who feel the same way and offer support to each other.

    Q: What if I feel guilty for not celebrating Mother’s Day?

    • A: Remember that it is okay to have your own feelings about Mother’s Day. Focus on self-care and do something that brings you joy.

    Q: How can I support someone who hates Mother’s Day?

    • A: Offer understanding and support. Listen to their feelings and validate their experiences. Encourage them to practice self-care and do something that brings them joy.


    Mother’s Day can be difficult for those who have lost their mothers or have strained relationships with them. It is important to find a way to honor your mother in a way that feels authentic to you and to practice self-care on this day. Remember that you are not alone and that it is okay to have your own feelings about Mother’s Day.

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