History of Mother's Day Father's day activities, Mother’s day
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Mother’s Day is a special day dedicated to honoring and celebrating mothers all over the world. It is a day to show our appreciation for the love, care, and sacrifice that mothers provide us. This year, Mother’s Day falls on May 14, 2023. In this article, we will dive into the history of Mother’s Day, how it came about, and why it is celebrated today.

The Origin of Mother’s Day

The origin of Mother’s Day dates back to ancient civilizations such as the Greeks and Romans, who held festivals in honor of their mother goddesses. However, the modern Mother’s Day we celebrate today originated in the United States in the early 20th century.

Anna Jarvis and the First Mother’s Day

Anna Jarvis is credited as the founder of Mother’s Day. She started advocating for a day to honor mothers after her own mother passed away in 1905. Jarvis wanted to create a day where children could show their love and appreciation for their mothers. In 1914, President Woodrow Wilson signed a proclamation designating the second Sunday in May as Mother’s Day.

How Mother’s Day is Celebrated Today

Today, Mother’s Day is celebrated all over the world. People show their appreciation for their mothers by sending cards, flowers, and gifts. Many families also gather together for a special meal or spend the day doing activities together.

Commercialization of Mother’s Day

Unfortunately, Mother’s Day has become highly commercialized over the years. Companies take advantage of the holiday to sell products and services, often leading to excessive spending and consumerism. This has led some people to criticize the holiday and its true meaning.

Mother’s Day Around the World

Mother’s Day is celebrated in different ways around the world. In many countries, it is celebrated on the same day as the United States (the second Sunday in May). However, some countries celebrate it on different days. For example, in the United Kingdom, it is celebrated on the fourth Sunday in Lent.

Question & Answer

Q: When did President Woodrow Wilson sign a proclamation designating the second Sunday in May as Mother’s Day? A: President Woodrow Wilson signed the proclamation in 1914. Q: How has Mother’s Day become commercialized over the years? A: Companies take advantage of the holiday to sell products and services, often leading to excessive spending and consumerism.


Mother’s Day is an important holiday that celebrates the love and sacrifice of mothers all over the world. While it has become commercialized over the years, it is important to remember its true meaning and show our appreciation for our mothers in meaningful ways.

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